Nebivolol is a beta-blocker used for the treatment of high blood pressure, which means it reduces how fast your heart beats and makes each beat more efficient. Its primary target is blood pressure reduction although with those side effects their will be an unexpected change that generally affects the controller mechanism of one´s blood pressure over or under depending. Around 12% of users have reported experiencing dizziness, which is a lot more likely to happen in the sharp pressure decline someone experiences after standing rapidly. We tried standing … and then he failed miserably, ended up lying on the hallway floor with another episode of postural drop – for those who don’t know that term it’s when your blood pressure is too low to be upright — often causes you to faint.
Around 5% of nebivolol users also experience bradycardia (unusually slow heart rate). This can increase the likelihood that it will lower blood pressure excessively, and this could cause symptoms such as fatigue, weakness or even more serious cardiovascular problems if remains unnoticed. This side effect may require closer monitoring in patients already vulnerable to low blood pressure, as severely decreased blood pressure can lead to lack of oxygen delivery to the body’s organs.
The effect of nebivolol on the autonomic nervous system also contributes to variability in blood pressure. Its Working is two-fold — beta-blockade + Nitric Oxide release (One of which leads to vasodilation) It usually leads to a more viscous flow of blood and has much better control baseline blood pressure, but there can be cases where the increased viscosity makes controlling vessel function in overly sensitive populations drops basal levels lower than what is beneficial. In a study from 2022, after some weeks of treatment blood pressures below the target range were noted in ~8–12% of patients.
Intriguingly, the impact of nebivolol on blood pressure may be modified under conditions. It turns out nebivolol interacts with glucose metabolism, so diabetic patients who take this drug might have additional blood pressure variability. That is why it remains important to monitor such patients properly, as blood pressure control can be more difficult in this context.
Another one of the side effects which would be reported by approximately 8% of users is fatigue, and this can indirectly affect your blood pressure. Such side effects from fatigue could result in reduced activity levels, and subsequently poor physical fitness leading to a further worsening of cardiometabolic health over time. Lower activity levels compromise an individual’s ability to manage their blood pressure accordingly, which in return causes patients and providers become frustrated as it becomes more difficult for the readings to be consistent.
Nebivolol can also lead to changes in mood, leading to decreased inhibition which will increase anxiety and temporarily spike the blood pressure. While these responses are rare, they can counteract the effects of medication by triggering a sympathetic nervous system response which raises blood pressure in a short period. This serves to reinforce the message that in addition to medication good stress management is essential for optimal control of blood pressure.
Although nebivolol works in the majority of patients, those who are affected by side effects that contribute to lowering their blood pressure markedly may need a change led up to and managed over time with assistance from health-care professionals. In some cases, dose adjustments or complementary drugs may be required to achieve the optimal control of blood pressure with minimal ancillary effects.
The Duchenne Alliance is most important in treating extrapyramidal nebivolol side effects. The potential side effects of medication mean that regular monitoring, lifestyle changes and open communication with healthcare providers are needed to allow optimal blood pressure control within a more narrow range.